Immobilization of vehicles with foreign license plates for non-residents – Independent Authority of Public Revenue (ΑΑΔΕ): The process is simplified.

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Immobilization of vehicles with foreign license plates for non-residents – Independent Authority of Public Revenue (ΑΑΔΕ): The process is simplified.

ΑΑΔΕ: The process for the immobilization of vehicles with foreign license plates for non-residents is simplified

People who live abroad and own a vehicle for personal use with foreign license plates in Greece, under the status of a temporary import, can benefit from the simplification of the process for the immobilization of their vehicle during their absence from Greece, as stipulated in the Bulletin of the Director of the Independent Authority of Public Revenue, Giorgos Pitsilis.

More specifically, in the past, the concerned parties, namely expatriates, had to have their vehicle sealed in the presence of a customs employee before returning abroad and then unsealed during their stay in our country.

With the new process, beneficiaries will now have the possibility:

• to submit their request for the immobilization of their vehicle, as well as the mobilization thereof, to the competent customs office, via the myAADE platform ( using Taxisnet codes, in the application “My requests” in the following way: New Request > Customs > Subject group “Vehicles – Temporary Import” > Process “Immobilization and mobilization of vehicles”

• to immobilize their vehicle in a private parking space under their sole responsibility without the presence of a customs employee

• to pay their registration fees corresponding to the duration of the vehicle’s circulation in Greece, electronically, with the use of TAXISnet codes, via the Imports Subsystem of the Integrated Customs Information System (ICISnet), on the website of the Independent Authority of Public Revenue following these steps: > Customs services > Electronic transactions > IMPORTS-Imports System > Imports > e-Application > Submission of e-Application.


As declared by the Director of the Independent Authority of Public Revenue, Giorgos Pitsilis, “This new process greatly facilitates the existing practice, since the concerned parties living abroad can now submit their request for the immobilization or mobilization of their vehicle and pay the corresponding registration fees online, ensuring the immediate and effortless fulfillment of their obligations.”

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