?nastasios Moussas, Chapter President-elect of AHEPA Toronto

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Press Release

 Tuesday, June 5, 2017

On Monday, June 5, 2017, the AHEPA Toronto Lord Byron Chapter CJ1 gathered for its general meeting and elections of the new  2017-2018  Executive.  The  outgoing  Executive,  held  their  final general meeting, where they reported on the business and finances of the Chapter and presented an overall final account of the work that was done throughout the year.

The new Executive for the 2017-2018 will consist of Br. Anastasios Moussas  as  President,  Br. Stavros Chatzibasile  as Vice-President,  Br. Demetrios Fabrikis as Secretary and Athletics Director and Br. Panagiotis Amanatidis as Treasurer. Also,  this year’s  Executive  will include  Br. Antony Mavromaras as VP of Civic Responsibility; Br. Byron Yankou, as VP of Hellenism; Br. Dimitrios Voudouris, as VP of Education; and Br. Jim Tsiokos,  as  VP  of  Membership. The  installations  of  the  new Executive will be held at next Chapter meeting.

Past President Br. Katsoulis thanked the outgoing Executive for all their hard work and success and promised his full support to the incoming Executive.

President-elect Br. Moussas promised to work hard for a productive and successful year and embarked in setting an agenda in advancing this year’s priorities which include the increase of membership  and  Chapter growth;  the  successful holding  of  the  annual  golf  tournament;  the organizing  of fundraisers for the allocation of scholarships and the launching of educational initiatives.

Our new Chapter President has completed studies at Concordia University in 1998, were in conjunction with the School  of  Community  and  Public Affairs,  earned  a  Bachelor’s  of  Arts  degree  in  Political  Science  with specialization in international politics and in Policy Making Process in the private, public and community sectors. He pursued a MSc degree in Public Policy and Management from the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London.  In 2012 he obtained a Master in Public Policy, Administration and Law (MPPAL) from York University. In September of 2013 he obtained a Diploma in Immigration Consultant with honours from Herzing College. In the professional realm, Br. Moussas has offered his services to numerous governmental agencies (both provincial and federal), companies, NGO’s and multilateral/international organizations, including the United Nations. He was employed by the Government of Canada at the Ministry of Defense (1992-1993), the Hellenic Republic at the Consulate General of Greece in Montreal (June 1997 – January 2001) and the Consulate General of Greece in Toronto (February 2001 – February 2007) and at the World Council for Hellenes Abroad (SAE) as the Executive Director for the Region of Canada (April 2004 to December 2011). In June of 2007 he started Integrated Consulting Services (ICS), a privately owned and managed Consulting Firm, specializing in the provision of business and legal consulting in Greece as well as Greek Language Consulting Services, such as translation, interpretation, document production and writing.

The mission of the Order of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association is to promote the ideals of Hellenism: Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility and Family and Individual Excellence.

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